About Us

Aunty Ruth Walker along with founding jinda’s (sisters) Rita and Florence Ballangarry established MiiMi Mothers in the late 1980's when they realised there was no support or help for Aboriginal women and families in Bowraville. With foresight, passion and energy they joined forces and encouraged the community to realise their dream of developing programs and bringing services into the community for women and their families.
Incorporated in 1993 and governed by a board of management, in 2010 MiiMi changed its name from MiiMi Mother's Aboriginal Corporation to MiiMi Aboriginal Corporation.

MiiMi Aboriginal Corporation and its Board of Management recognises the need for services for the WHOLE of community and all program delivery and services are for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community members.

In 2011 MiiMi was successful in achieving the Deductable Gift Recipient (DGR) status and is now a Work Development Order (Revenue NSW) and a Community Services organisation (Justice NSW).

MiiMi has had long standing collaborations within the Nambucca Valley and beyond, and will continue to create and grow new ones.

MiiMi has successfully delivered many projects and programs over the years;

In picture from left to right:

Auntie Rita Ballangarry
Aunty Florence Ballangary
Aunty Ruth Walker
- Future Voices I & II – build individual and community resilience and to create a strong future for Bowraville and surrounding communities

- Mother/Daughter Get Away – promoting better communication skills between mothers and daughters to improve or build their relationship

- Well Women workshops – promoting awareness of breast and ovarian cancer by way of sculpture

- NAIDOC week activities

- Through Our Eyes – language and culture program using music, visual arts and textiles

- Driving Class L – short course assisting individuals to gain their L’s through practice tests and financial assistance

- HIPPY Australia currently funded to 2019